Frank Page is the CEO of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (not to be confused with the president of the SBC, who currently is Steve Gaines). Page has served in this capacity for the SBC since 2010, and was president of the SBC itself from 2006 to 2008 and was vice president of the scandal-ridden North American Mission Board (NAMB) from 2008 to 2010.
Since his service as CEO of the Executive Committee, Page has been instrumental in focusing the SBC on race relations and attracting non-white churches to the convention by creating a position of “Presidential Ambassador for Ethnic Relations” and starting various advisory committees consisting of different races. Page also authored Trouble with the Tulip, a book designed to negate the doctrines of Calvinism. Page (an ardent Arminian) made peace with Russell Moore (a rumored Calvinist), when Moore came under fire earlier this year for advocating for a Mosque to be built in New Jersey, probably because they both share the color-tinted, politically correct and segregated worldview of Cultural Marxism. Page was seen as the last, best hope to reign in Moore’s progressivism at the ERLC, and conservatives were generally disappointed with Page regarding the parlay.
The Baptist “Press” tweeted out a quotation from Frank Page just a few days ago…
The statement was made during Page’s address at the 2017 Executive Committee meeting.
Of course, we don’t need a word from the Lord, and that’s good, because he’s not giving any more of them. While Article I of the 2000 SBC Faith and Message stops short of asserting full cessationism, most Baptist Confessions – like the Second London Baptist Confession (1689) do not. Baptists traditionally have been cessationists, and do not believe in continued direct, divine revelation. Recent decades of Baptist life prove an exception to this rule.
The CEO of the SBC, on the other hand, is still wanting a fresh word from God.
Polemicist Justin Peter’s response was most apropros.
We have 66 Books of Inspired Writ. Someone please inform Page that “SBC” does not mean, “Slowly Becoming Charismatic.” The SBC needs to understand the words written.