Jory Micah, a feminist theologian with deeply concerning theology, took to Twitter to promote another doctrine of hers that should give us concern. She Tweeted, “Jesus’ words are our primary source. Paul’s words are our secondary source. Secondary sources are great, but not as great as primary ones.” At first, this sounds like the heresy of Red Letter Christianity, which proclaims that the words not directly said by Jesus are less inspired than those that were. Karen Swallow-Prior rightly inquired about this ambiguous statement:
Though inspired – Jory says – Paul and his writings were not inerrant. One must question if she even understands what the word “inspired” means. It refers to the fact that God was writing through Paul (Or James, Jude, Luke, Moses, or any other Biblical human author). If inspiration doesn’t necessitate inerrancy, then the Spirit who inspired must not be infallible. As John Calvin said, “The highest proof of Scripture is uniformly taken from the character of him whose Word it is.” Any assault on the Bible is an attack on the character of He who inspired it.
Jory continued to cite Jesus on the Sermon at the Mount saying, “You have heard it has been said… but I say to you,” as evidence that the Scriptures aren’t inerrant. What Jesus was not correcting was the original meaning, but rather the distortion that had become the common tradition of the Pharisees. At no point did Jesus speak against something that the Holy Spirit inspired.
However, Jory did not stop at indirectly blaspheming God by attacking His word. She continued to embrace the heresy of Modalism, which confuses the persons of the Godhead by saying that they are all one person. She said:
It is likely because of her rejection of inerrancy that she was able to embrace many of the heresies she does in the first place, including this blatant apostasy.
This line of Tweets reveals Jory as an Errantist, a Red Letter Christian, and a Modalist. It puts her further at odds with the Christian faith and shows that she is not a sound teacher, but rather one who would attempt to secretly introduce destructive heresies.
[Contributed by Brandon C. Hines]