The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) is the flagship of the Pentecostal-Charismatic-NAR multimedia empire. Started by Paul and Jan Crouch, affiliated with the Assemblies of God, in 1973. Since then, they have become known primarily for lascivious living, outrageous lifestyles, larger-than-life makeup, and putting heretics on a 24/7 parade. TBN owns five different television networks other than “TBN,” including “The Hillsong Network” and “TBN Salsa.” The network is broadcast from six studios over 70 satellites to virtually the entire world, crossing land and sea to make converts twice the sons of hell as their most prominent stars, including Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and Joel Osteen. Ironically, some of their stars, like TD Jakes, don’t even believe in the Trinity – the first word in their name.
Mike Huckabee, on the other hand, is a former presidential contender, former Governor of Arkansas, and former president of the Southern Baptist’s Arkansas Baptist State Convention and former Southern Baptist pastor of 12 years. As a Southern Baptist, one would think that Huckabee would want to steer well clear of the type of theology TBN represents.
But, nope.
Huckabee is being brought to TBN to talk about how good America is, combining patriotism and American Christianity into a regular program. The last line of the advertisement for Huckabee’s show is, “If love the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, you’re going to feel right at home with our show.”
The show will premiere October 7.