Pulpit & Pen has long been critical of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) social justice activism and trajectory away from a gospel mission. At the recent SBC 2017 meeting in Phoenix, as a last ditch late night effort to condemn the “alt-right” movement as “racist,” and “anti-gospel,” a resolution was drafted and passed doing just so.

But many are suspicious about the purpose of this resolution, likening it to political pandering and calling it “evil and mean spirited.” Dr. Carol M. Swain, Professor of Political Science and Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University, and a conservative Christian had the following to say about this in a recent post on her Facebook page:
The SBC has apologized for slavery two or three times. How many black Baptists have accepted the SBC’s apologies? In the current controversy, SBC leaders who accepted the politically-inspired resolution became the peacemakers. There is nothing righteous or holy about extortion. Black pastors should leave their partisan politics at home. It would be far more important for them to focus on teaching their congregants about how to live biblical lifestyles. Phoenix was about politics. Jesus and the Gospel had nothing to do with the extortion and demand for the organization to denounce white supremacy. Black supremacy and extortion was what was on display. The SBC leaders who accepted the political resolution become the peacemakers. I am glad these leaders modeled godly behavior by turning the other cheek.. Those who fanned the flames of discord and those who acted as enablers should be ashamed of themselves. What happened at the convention was wrong, evil, and mean-spirited, It was designed to feed the media’s taste for drama. It hurt Christians and it created more ill-feelings in the nation. #SBC #Baptistconvention