For years, Beth Moore has bestrode the narrow world of women’s Bible study like a colossus. Her Bible studies are a ubiquitous presence in women’s ministries throughout the evangelical spectrum. Her Living Proof simulcasts are piped into hundreds of churches. Her books permeate the libraries of Southern Baptist Churches. Other popular Christian authors, such as Priscilla Shirer, pay homage to her in their own books and speaking engagements. Almost every evangelical Christian woman knows who she is. Unfortunately, Moore’s teachings, antics, and associations have taken a turn for the worse over the last few years. Many women are waking up to the fact that Beth Moore is not a sound Bible teacher. Unfortunately, publicly admitting as much can put women at odds with Beth Moore’s legions of fans. Moore has a rabid following of devotees. Women who dissent from the prevailing Beth Moore culture in American evangelicalism can find themselves outcasts of the women’s ministries of their own churches. Pastors who take a stand against the promotion of Beth Moore can draw the ire of enraged female church members. Still, some have found the courage to speak out. Pastor Josh Buice is one such voice. He recently wrote,
“Discernment is needed today in the church like never before. It should also be noted that God has called pastors to exercise oversight over women’s ministries within the church. To allow women to go through church sponsored Beth Moore studies and gather for simulcast studies is to open the doors of the church to unbiblical and dangerous teaching. Pastors, guard the doors and educate the people to exercise biblical discernment.”
More and more women are starting to agree with the findings of Pastor Buice and other discerning voices. Are you one of the many women who has come to the realization that Beth Moore isn’t a sound teacher? Have you experienced resistance from other women when trying to speak against Moore? Are you a pastor who has risked your job to speak out against Moore? If you are, please reach out to Pulpit & Pen to share your personal testimony. The many women deceived by Beth Moore need to hear from their peers who have looked to Beth Moore for guidance only to be disappointed and disturbed. If the cult of personality of Beth Moore is to be broken, the very women who created it need to speak out.
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