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Praying Effectively For the Lost – A Polemical Review

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Limited Theism



During a pastor’s conference in Montana, this book’s author, Lee E. Thomas, claimed that his book was 85% direct divine revelation. This means that he is a Montanist. We can see his Montanism fleshed out in his book as well. On page 33, we see him say, “One day as I was praying for one particular person, I asked the Lord to reveal to me why he continued to reject the gospel. He impressed the word ‘control’ upon my mind.”  It also means that if more than 15% of the book is inaccurate or if it is proven that the god he worships is not the God of Scripture, both of which appear to be the case, he is a false prophet.
On the very first page, Thomas writes, “The lost will not and indeed cannot be saved unless someone prays for them.” He treats salvation as if it is dependent on other people praying for a particular person. While praying for someone’s salvation is Biblical and important, people can be and probably have been saved without someone praying for them. Being prayed for is not a part of the Ordo Salutis (Or order of Salvation). Thomas maintains that all men are spiritually blind until someone prays for them. On page 6, he quotes the Pelagian heretic Charles Finney, who said, “In the case of an impenitent friend, the very condition on which he is to be saved from hell may be the fervency and importunity of your prayer for that individual.” (See: Prevailing Prayer).
The full force of this strange belief does not appear until Chapter 2. On page 13, it shows that it appears to be a systematic problem, when Thomas writes, “Some controlling demons are so strong that prayer and fasting is required to gain the victory (Mark 9:29). Persistent prayer is necessary because of Satan‟s reluctance to give them up, not because God is unwilling to save them!!” This appears to teach the heresy of Limited Theism, teaching that God is limited and not omniscient. In this case, it appears that he is saying God is not able to overpower Satan without the help of the believer. This comes not only from de-elevating God, but elevating both Satan and man to a level near to that of God. (This also appears to teach a modified form of Manichaeism, which teaches that the forces of good and the forces of evil are equally powerful). His belief in Limited Theism is expounded upon on page 17. While talking about a time when he himself told a halfhearted prayer. He said, “Therefore, God could not answer my prayers for him.” This is a far cry from, “Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.” (Psalm 115:3, ESV). Thomas even put emphasis on the words “could not”. On Page 27, he continues to say, “The primary purpose in praying for the lost…  has to do with spiritual warfare – freeing them of demonic influence so they can be saved.” He says this as if God is unable to free them of demonic influence Himself if He so pleases.
He holds to the false doctrine found in Mark Batterson’s “The Circle Maker”, albeit more of a modified version that I believe is more blasphemous.
Overall, this book shows just how false of a teacher this man is. Filled with crazy charismatic practices and the twisting of Scripture, this book is to be avoided at all cost. In this book, it is proven that another God is being spoken about, as Thomas speaks of a god who is not Omnipotent. His god provides a way of salvation only for those that other people pray for and do so selflessly. In fact, Thomas’s false god is wholly unable to save someone without a believer praying for that person to “bind the strongman”. This Montanist god has made Lee E. Thomas a prophet, and this makes Thomas a False Prophet. This god is a god who cannot save. Thomas’s gospel is another gospel and a false gospel.
Please take the time to watch this clip, so that you might understand the authentic Gospel